Q. When should I call a lawyer?
Don't "roll the dice" without an attorney.
As soon as you believe you may be facing any sort of legal trouble, call me ASAP.
Q. Should I talk to a government agency or my employer without a lawyer?
This is a very bad idea for the vast majority of people. Call me first.
For starters, you can't be certain that the investigator is objective, or otherwise committed to giving you fair treatment. In addition, whatever you say, will likely be used against you to charge you, terminate you, etc.
Q. What's the point of speaking with a lawyer if I can't afford one?
I'm happy to speak to prospective clients free of charge to provide some direction with their specific situation.
Additionally, we can discuss a flexible payment plan for my services.
Q. Why is it so important to get a lawyer on my side as soon as possible?
While no attorney is a magician, getting a lawyer involved early on in your matter can help to ensure that things don't escalate for you.
What's more, under the right circumstances, getting me involved early may give me an opportunity to stop things from proceeding entirely.
"While I certainly cannot guarantee this same outcome in your matter, this story well illustrates the above-noted answers. Not long ago, I was involved in a case where a young woman had been arrested by the police for attempted murder against her boyfriend.
Her mother frantically, but fortuitously, called me immediately after her arrest.
Within an hour, I was with her daughter at the police station, getting her side of the story about what had happened. Thereafter, I conducted my own evaluation of the underlying facts, and was able to communicate the same to the reviewing deputy prosecutor.
Ultimately, that young woman was released within 24 hours. If she did not have me in on her case as early as possible, I have no doubt she would have been charged and held in custody with an unaffordable bail amount set, and her entire future on the line.
If there's a chance I can do the same for you, I'll try my very best to secure a similar result."
- Kyle